SA Government
Major Projects – Collaboration (October 2023 Round)

This grant is a partnership opportunity, encouraging strategic and innovative collaborations across the arts sector, with a focus on risk-taking, knowledge and resource sharing and new employment opportunities.
Funding may be sought for creative development, art making and presentation across art forms, where the primary financial beneficiaries are independent artists and small-to-medium arts and cultural organisations.
Partnerships may involve independent artists and groups, funded arts and cultural organisations and Statutory Authorities. Applicants may also partner with for-profit arts and cultural organisations and organisations from outside the arts and culture sector.
Grant activity should promote courageous experimentation while contributing to the sustainability of the arts and culture sector by proposing new ways of working, new outcomes for audiences and employment outcomes for independent artists and production personnel.
Organisations funded through the National Performing Arts Partnership Framework (NPAPF) formerly known as Major Performing Arts (MPA) Companies and Statutory Authorities who apply or are a partner in a Collaboration grant proposal are expected to make a contribution (cash or in-kind) to the project budget. For-profit and non-arts partners are also expected to make a contribution (cash or in-kind) to the project budget.
We encourage you to discuss your application with us before you apply.
For more information, visit