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Performances & Gigs

Australian Youth Orchestra

Ngapa William Cooper

Join the Australian Youth Orchestra alongside composer Nigel Westlake, singer-songwriter Lior and Dr Lou Bennett AM for an exhilarating orchestral…

Festivals & Programs

Family Fiesta

Family Fiesta is an annual jam-packed school holiday festival of literature, art and live performance presented by Monash University Performing…


Big hART

Skate of Mind

Skate of Mind is a free, all ages, skateboarding & arts event promoting community, belonging & positive mental and physical…


The South Australian Museum

RELICS: A New World Rises

An immersive exhibition of unique LEGO® miniature civilisations by Jackson Harvey & Alex Towler, winners of Channel 9’s 2020 LEGO®…


National Portrait Gallery

Gulgawarnigu - Thinking of something, someone

Digital self portraits from young artists in the remote Pilbara region of WA.

School Holiday Activities

Incinerator Gallery

Social Justice Art for Teens

Art as expression and advocacy. Designed for teens aged 11 to 17 years of age.

School Holiday Activities

Incinerator Gallery

Workshop: Who’s Afraid?

Designed for young people aged 8 -11 years


Sydney Opera House

Life Drawing and Opera

Be inspired by drawing Opera!

Performances & Gigs

Sydney Opera House


A timeless coming-of-age story about overcoming adversity and building courage.

School Holiday Activities

Sydney Opera House

Mr. Stink

David Walliams’ award-winning book comes to life for children 6+!

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