AusGov Office for the Arts
Live Music Australia

Supporting venues to host live Australian music
The Live Music Australia program is a competitive grants opportunity for small to medium sized venues that support quality original Australian live music.
It is acknowledged that the music industry has faced increased pressures in light of the severe impacts of COVID-19, and the program includes support for activities that assist the live music industry to rebuild and become operational following the impacts of COVID-19.
Program background
The Australian Government’s National Cultural Policy Revive recognises the importance of the live music sector and is increasing the support for the music industry.
The Live Music Australia program is designed to bring more live music to Australian communities and will fund applications that support quality original Australian live music that is professionally staged.
Five funding rounds have been administered so far, with four focusing on support for small to medium live music ‘brick and mortar’ venues around Australia.
Changes to the program for Round 5 provided targeted funding for music festivals, recognising their important role in the Australian music ecology. Festival organisers were able to apply for funding for assistance for a range of eligible activities.
Round 6 of the program again targets support for live music venues.
Applications to the program may include:
- infrastructure upgrades, purchase of equipment, programming and promotional expenses and artist fees, or
- initiatives that deliver to multiple venues and build capacity, for example, professional development programs, expanded regional touring circuits, and partnerships across venues or jurisdictions.
- To learn more about what the Australian Government is doing to support Australian contemporary music, download Revive: A Place for Every Story, a Story for Every Place
Program guidelines
Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions for Round 6 are available on the GrantConnect website, where you can also register for automatic notification of Grant Opportunities. All applicants are encouraged to read the guidelines.
For more information, visit