Grant Details


Market development

Applicant Type

Individuals and Organisations


All Arts


South Australia

SA Government

Market Development (October Round)

This grant supports artists and organisations to build a national and international profile through the development of relationships, networks and market opportunities. The category covers all art forms and the activity must benefit South Australian artists.

Who can apply

  • Independent artists/groups and arts workers
  • Funded organisations: small-to-medium organisations, major organisations
  • For-profit arts and cultural organisations such as private galleries, agents, publishers, producers and presenters can apply where a direct benefit to South Australian artists can be demonstrated

Who is ineligible

  • Artists residing outside South Australia
  • Organisations funded through the National Performing Arts Partnership Framework (NPAPF) formerly known as Major Performing Arts (MPA) Companies
  • Statutory Authorities

You can apply for:

  • Travel to national or international markets, art fairs, events or festivals, where it can be demonstrated that South Australian artists are the key beneficiaries of the activity
  • Costs to bring key industry representatives to South Australia for meetings or presentations
  • The development of marketing materials for promotion related to market development
  • Tour development, including small-scale presentations of new work (that hasn’t toured previously) in a new region or market, noting that this category is not intended to support full-scale touring

This category does not fund:

How to apply

Read thevHow to Apply guidelines before you begin preparing your application.

For more information, visit