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Annexe Gallery Co-ordinator
$60,000 - $80,000
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AM Events Account Manager
$80,000 - $100,000

PhotoAccess Incorporated
Canberra Contemporary Photographic Prize
The PhotoAccess Canberra Contemporary Photographic Prize celebrates innovative photography, with cash prizes and a People's Choice award, promoting creativity and…

Caboolture HUB Gallery
For the love of...
From an early age, Christina Walker surrounded herself with animals.

Fremantle Arts Centre
(Re)borrowing Arrows With Thatched Boats (草船借箭 – Cǎo Chuán Jiè Jiàn)
Chengyu are idiomatic expressions in the Chinese language that encapsulate cultural, historical, and philosophical concepts in a concise and memorable…

Fremantle Arts Centre
Revealed and Kurunpa Kunpu: Access Tour
Find your way through Revealed and Kurunpa Kunpu | Strong Spirit Access Tours.

Maitland Regional Art Gallery
Operation Art
The Operation Art program provides a forum for schools and students to demonstrate their visual arts achievements through exhibitions.

Maitland Regional Art Gallery
Touching and Turning | Cherine Fahd
Burning with the changing realities of the past few years, artist Cherine Fahd explores the nature of touch and intimacy…

Maitland Regional Art Gallery
The Between | Deidre Hut-Husaim
In this exhibition Deidre documents life in her home and studio during various stages of lockdown.

Maitland Regional Art Gallery
Myth Making | Kate Rohde and Troy Emery | A Horsham Regional Art Gallery Exhibition
A Horsham Regional Art Gallery Exhibition