Performance Space
Production Manager

Hours: Part time (2 days/15 hours per week) year-round
Full Time (5 days/37.5hrs per week) August, September and October (3 month festival period)
Plus extra hours through the year on specific projects as negotiated.
Basis of employment: One year contract; option of renewal on annual review
Salary range: $80,000 per annum, (pro-rata) plus superannuation
Employment conditions: Pro rata of four (4) weeks annual leave
Performance Space’s standard Terms and Conditions of Employment form part of this jobdescription.
The Production Manager leads the delivery of all technical aspects of Performance Space’sprojects. This includes a year-round program of smaller presentations, residencies and artistdevelopment initiatives, as well as Performance Space’s annual keynote presentation event, theLiveworks Festival of Experimental Art. The Production Manager takes a lead role in the delivery ofLiveworks, building and managing a team of technical and production staff whilst overseeing theplanning and delivery of all festival projects from a production perspective. This position reportsjointly to the Artistic Director and CEO, and works closely with the Program Manager to ensurethat projects’ needs are met within agreed timelines and budgets.The Production Manager also liaises closely with Carriageworks’ technical and production teams;builds and maintains productive relationships with external suppliers and production partners; andmaintains Performance Space’s inventory of technical equipment. The position is also responsiblefor conducting all relevant risk assessments and actively implementing WH&S policies.Year-round, the Production Manager also manages the acquisition and maintenance of office I.T.requirements.
Performance Space is the crucible for risk-taking artists. Emerging over 30 years ago in responseto artists’ articulated desire to explore and investigate new forms of art, Performance Space hasconsistently identified, nurtured and presented new directions in contemporary practice. Wechampion risk, experimentation, and new modes of creative expression. Performance Spacecontinues to evolve and renew to meet the needs of the independent sector and explore newmodels for developing and presenting the most critical and important new work.The breadth of our organisational and artistic activity is informed and underpinned by acommitment to diversity. Performance Space embraces a diversity of artistic and culturalperspectives as being fundamental to a vibrant and engaging experimental arts culture. Wetherefore privilege the work of Aboriginal artists, practitioners from diverse cultural backgrounds,artists exploring new takes on sex and gender, disability and artists pushing the boundaries of thehuman through experiments with new technology.
To be a world leading experimental arts organisation, championing new developments in artisticpractice and connecting artists and audiences with the most dynamic and innovative new workacross the Asia Pacific to expand our understanding of what contemporary art can be.
● recruit, manage and supervise production and technical coordinators, as well as casualtechnical staff, for the delivery of Performance Space’s year round artistic program,residency, artist development and Liveworks Festival programs, as well as casual technicalstaff throughout the year as needed.
● work with the Artistic Director/s, Program Manager and other relevant staff to develop,manage and implement a production schedule for all presentation annual presentationactivities, as well as the residencies that form Performance Space’s year-round Artist Development Program
● work with the CEO, Program Manager to liaise with Carriageworks regarding booking ofspaces including coordinating Performance Space’s program alongside non-PerformanceSpace events
● roster casual technical staff to adequately resource the program or other one off events.
● liaise with Performance Space’s programming staff, external production managers andartists in relation to the production needs of Performance Space projects, including detailedtechnical requirements
● co-ordinate production on all Performance Space projects as required
● secure additional equipment as required
● ensure smooth management of all bump-ins and bump-outs, delegating to temporaryproduction staff when required
● manage temporary production staff to deliver Performance Space projects as required
● participate in debriefs with project teams
● maintain an overview of Performance Space’s technical equipment, including ongoingmaintenance, repair, and acquisition of new equipment where needed
● manage the loan of Performance Space’s technical equipment to external parties and takeresponsibility for the annual equipment hire income target.
● conduct risk assessments and ensure any risk mitigation is followed for all projects, andreport to Carriageworks and other partners as required
● implement, monitor and refine Performance Space’s WH&S policies and practices, in linewith Carriageworks’ WH&S manual
● work with programming staff to secure any other permissions necessary for thepresentation of work, including development applications for outdoor work
Financial Management:
● work with the Artistic Director/s, Program Manager and CEO to build realistic productionbudgets and forecast project expenditure and cash flow needs
● manage a delegated operational budget for all core production and festival activities, aswell as production budgets for individual projects.
● develop and maintain effective relationships with Carriageworks, partner organisations, andcolleagues and stakeholders associated with Performance Space’s program
● implement learning from debrief sessions into the ongoing planning and practice of theProduction Department.
● collaborate with Performance Space’s IT contractor on managing Performance Space ITsystems
● Induct artists and other key personnel into the Carriageworks building and otherperformance sites, as required
● Undertake other duties as required to ensure the smooth operation of Performance Spaceactivities
It is essential that the Production Manager has:
● a minimum of three year’s experience as a Production Manager or a similar role in the arts
● experience and training in theatre technical equipment, including a working knowledge of lighting, sound, and AV equipment
● experience in managing budgets
● high-level oral and written communication skills
● high-level organisational skills
● Apple OSX literate with excellent computer skills
● proven relationship and staff management skills
● demonstrated initiative and an ability to problem solve in the work-place; and
● demonstrated ability to prioritise and to juggle competing demands.
It is desirable that the Production Manager has:
● drivers, forklift and E.W.P. licences
● experience in C.A.D. and Vectorworks software
● experience in visual arts installation management and art handling expertise
● festival experience
● experience of working in a small organisation
● experience in managing and maintaining computer networks
● an understanding of, and experience in, the operations of performing and visual arts venues
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