Cultural Development Network in collaboration with RMIT University
Cultural Planning and Evaluation

Build your knowledge and experience in the cultural planning and evaluation skills essential to your career in arts and culture.
Based on the Cultural Development Network’s internationally recognised planning framework, you will acquire skills to create cultural plans essential to any arts organisation or local council role.
Cultural Development Network has partnered with The School of Art at RMIT University to bring this course to you. It is available as a stand-alone unit or as an elective within the Master of Arts Management.
The course will build your capacity for effective cultural planning and improve outcomes for cultural events and programs.
You will learn an evidence-based and outcomes-focussed approach to planning designed to be consistent with and integrate within any organisation’s planning activity. In addition, you will develop essential evaluation skills that can be applied to any cultural process.
By the end of the course, you will develop a draft cultural plan and evaluation model.
The online course runs for 10 weeks over a 12-week semester.
Each week there is a 3-hour online session plus an additional 1-hour drop-in session to ask questions.
Each assessment task aggregates towards your final cultural plan submission, building the plan as you study.
Please contact us to discuss the course and learn how it will give your career that essential advantage.
How to apply:
Submit the completed application form and any additional documents to RMIT( RMIT will contact you to guide you through the enrolment process.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Applications Open
May 1, 2023
Course Fee