QAGOMA and V&A join forces for Asia Pacific exhibition

Highlights from QAGOMA’s Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT) will be presented at the London Victoria and Albert Museum in 2026.

The Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) is partnering up with the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A). Together they will present highlights from QAGOMA’s Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT) and collection of Asian and Pacific art in London early 2026.

QAGOMA Director Chris Saines says: ‘For three decades the APT has been the cornerstone of our Gallery program, bringing together the work of more than 650 artists and groups from across 50 countries in the Asia Pacific region, and the London project will be only the second time that works acquired through the exhibition have toured internationally, following a tour to Santiago, Chile in 2019.

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