Madeleine Swain
Madeleine's Latest Articles

Exhibition review: Rembrandt: True to Life, NGV International
A new exhibition showcases the Dutch master's innovations and skill in the art of etching and printmaking.

Performance review: Cinderella, Peninsula Hot Springs
While the idea of luxuriating in a hot springs pool while taking in some culture is lovely, the idea needs…

Webinar #2 – A new way forward: how inclusive leadership is driving change
How to foster leadership that is collaborative, inclusive and diverse.

Putting prisons into perspective
A visit to Pentridge is an immersion into the recent past of the Australian corrections system.

Book review: Did I Ever Tell You This?, Sam Neill
The New Zealand star has over 150 acting credits and his memoir makes it obvious why people just keep on…

Comedy reviews: Geraldine Hickey, Stephen K Amos, Mel Buttle, MICF
Three stand-ups with varying degrees of likeability... and real estate portfolios.

Comedy review: Reuben Kaye, Live and Intimidating; Liz Kingsman, One Woman Show MICF
A force of nature with a voice to die for, and a Sydney expat offering 'zero profundity'.

Comedy reviews: Kitty Flanagan, Dr Brown Beturns, MICF
Sparkling wit or utterly wordless – take your pick.

Comedy reviews: Risky Spizzness, Nat's What I Reckon, MICF
Two comedians who may appear to have little in common, but are both brave enough to share their deepest insecurities…

Disruption in the arts and cultural sector
Profound changes in the creative landscape are being led by new technologies and creative entrepreneurs using different forms of financing…