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City of Melbourne
City of Melbourne | Hero Apartment Building public art commission
Applications are now open for a billboard-scale public art commission in Melbourne’s city.

Hervey Bay Regional Gallery
Girra: Fraser Coast National Art Prize
Girra: Fraser Coast National Art Prize is a new biennial art prize that seeks to explore our reciprocal, inextricable relationship…

Yarrila Arts and Museum
Call for Entries STILL: National Still Life Award
Entries for STILL: National Still Life Award 2023 opens on 20 March and closes 4 June. Entry is open to all…

City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Art Prize 2023
The 2023 Art Prize registrations are open until 30 June 2023. Visit our website to download the registration form. Unleash…

The Lester Prize
The Lester Prize for Portraiture 2023
Entries are now open for one of the most prestigious portrait prizes in Australia, offering a prize pool of over…

Sydney College of the Arts : The University of Sydney
The Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Scholarship
Calling all SCA alumni | $40,000 scholarships to support two artists to pursue a program of professional development through travel.

Frankston City Council
2023 Open Exhibition - Frankston Arts Centre
A call out for submissions from Victorian artists across all visual art mediums to explore the theme of 'Renewal'. The…

City of Wodonga
Artistic Program EOI
Callout for artists, makers and collaborators.

Boynes Artist Award
BAA 9th Edition | All Artists Accepted | Cash Prizes | Publication & More
Submit your artwork for the chance to win cash prizes, publication, and more in the Boynes Artist Award 9th Edition.…

Sculpture on the Farm
Sculpture Exhibition on the Farm at Dungog - $60,000 - 11 prizes
Entries open 1 April for Sculpture on the Farm Dungog - $60,000 value of eleven prizes, showcasing the best of…