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Monash Art Design & Architecture
2023 Drawing School
Monash Art, Design and Architecture is thrilled to announce two exciting drawing short courses that will ignite your creativity.

Australian Youth Orchestra
Ngapa William Cooper
Join the Australian Youth Orchestra alongside composer Nigel Westlake, singer-songwriter Lior and Dr Lou Bennett AM for an exhilarating orchestral…

Darwin Symphony Orchestra
2023 Season Program
Darwin Symphony Orchestra's diverse and engaging 2023 season program has something for everyone to enjoy!

Black Swan State Theatre Company of WA
Season 2023
A celebration of bold theatrical endeavours and unique Western Australian perspectives.

Canberra Symphony Orchestra
CSO 2023: Chroma
Kaleidoscopic orchestral colour inspired by visual art, landscape and philosophy

Next Wave
Under My Tongue
Director Belinda Locke uses performance to unearth invisible challenges that people face in their lives every day. Drawing from anonymous…

Tawny Trails
Tawny Trails
Tawny Trails is The Creative Living Experience.

Sydney Youth Orchestras (SYO)
Winter School Holiday Program
Be an SYO musician for a week! No audition required, Winter School suits children playing an orchestral instrument; from first-year,…
Zilla & Brook
Konstantin: Grandmother’s Tongue
Konstantin: Grandmother’s Tongue, is a multicultural, multidisciplinary, slyly political and highly creative performance piece about chickens and human migration.
Australian School of Performing Arts
‘Take the Stage’ Performing Arts Holiday Program
Looking for ways to inspire your child these school holidays? Join a group of young performers for two-days of performing…