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Lake Macquarie City Council
yapang Emerging Art Prize 2023
yapang Emerging Art Prize is an acquisitive prize celebrating, promoting and supporting emerging First Nations artists from across the country.

Hervey Bay Regional Gallery
Girra: Fraser Coast National Art Prize
Girra: Fraser Coast National Art Prize is a new biennial art prize that seeks to explore our reciprocal, inextricable relationship…

Yarrila Arts and Museum
Call for Entries STILL: National Still Life Award
Entries for STILL: National Still Life Award 2023 opens on 20 March and closes 4 June. Entry is open to all…

City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Art Prize 2023
The 2023 Art Prize registrations are open until 30 June 2023. Visit our website to download the registration form. Unleash…

City Of Ryde
Sustainable Waste 2 Art Prize (SWAP)
Reimagine the creative potential of waste by creating an artwork or design object from discarded objects to enter in the…

Boynes Artist Award
Call For Artists | Cash, Publication & More | Boynes Monthly Art Award
Every month we will choose 3 artists to win $100 cash, a published interview with our Art Director & Founder…

Arts in the Valley
Sculpture in the Valley
Sculpture in the Valley will return to Kangaroo Valley on the South Coast NSW with $38,500 of cash prizes available.…

Maroondah City Council
Apply Now - the Arts Lounge Makers Windows, Wyreena Community Arts Centre
Apply Now - the Arts Lounge Makers Windows, Wyreena Community Arts Centre Jewellers, potters, textile artists, sculptors, timber, glass ... the…

Bindi Enterprises
Central Desert Digital Art Prize
Bindi Enterprises is proud to announce that this September will be the inaugural prize for excellence in Digital Media

Melbourne Fringe Festival
Design Fringe Exhibition Submissions
Registrations now open for Design Fringe 2023. Opportunity to participate in an exhibition, public programs, mentorship and grant opportunities and…