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So you want my arts job: Graphic Novelist
Yawuru artist, creator and graphic novel author Brenton McKenna was among Australia's first published Indigenous graphic novel authors.

How a focus on storytelling and character equips would-be writers with essential skills
Authenticity and passion are at the core of the courses run by Story Studios Australia.

Why queer comic books are the next target of the culture wars
Queer graphic novels are the latest target of moral panic whipped up in the current culture war.

Queer culture is under attack: fighting back
How can we reframe the conversation around drag story time events and stand up to the far right?

Small presses shine in Stella shortlist
Six ‘culture shifting’ books have been shortlisted for the $60,000 Stella Prize, which recognises the best books by Australian women.

New regional festival celebrates queer writers
With events across Victoria in centres such as Shepparton, Traralgon, Warrnambool and Geelong, Q-Lit aims to connect the queer community…

8 Australian graphic novels everyone should read
Whether you're new to comic books or looking to expand your reading list beyond the Big Two (Marvel and DC),…

Discovery of WW1 graphic novel might re-write history books
A German cartoonist’s account of life in an Australian WWI internment camp is being claimed as the world’s first-known autobiographical…

How portfolio careers can lead to happiness
Screenwriter, cartoonist and illustrator Megan Herbert used to be torn between artforms, but now embraces her portfolio career.

Book review: Big Beautiful Female Theory, Eloise Grills
Grills critiques the fetishisation of aesthetic counterpoints by highlighting the ‘to-be-looked-at-ness’ of her own personal journey.