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A world premiere from the ever-inventive and imaginative Circa
The leading performance company explores the art of ballet, classical music and fairy tales alongside the physicality of circus in…

Good things happen when the young Dare to Dream
JUTE Theatre Company’s new First Nations residency program, Dare to Dream, hits the road this month in Far North Queensland.

Is winning Eurovision all about the right lyrics?
There's a secret code to Eurovision-winning lyrics according to the University of Winchester's Glenn Fosbraey.

Australia’s first-ever festival of Gilbert and Sullivan’s works opens in Adelaide
A 10-day festival celebrating the comic genius of Gilbert and Sullivan is attracting new audiences and die-hard supporters.

The vision needed to curate a successful music festival
Roland Peelman, Artistic Director of the Canberra International Music Festival, gears up to present a powerful 2023 festival with a…

Where science and the natural world converge through the arts
A diverse range of art forms are being used to communicate serious scientific and natural world facts in fun and…

Shepparton Festival’s new direction raises the culture stakes
As one of Australia’s major regional arts festivals, Shepparton Festival is building on its multicultural heritage and demographical changes to…

Meet the Artists, a visionary exhibition at the State Library of Queensland
This exhibition of Queensland artists highlights artistic experiences and knowledge, as well as the exhibits themselves.

A postcard from New York
ArtsHub Features Writer, Suzannah Conway, recaps on some of the best of New York’s arts and culture this winter.

How international festivals enrich their local arts ecologies
Four artists and four festival directors discuss the many ways major festivals support and nurture the national arts ecology.